AALA Forum 2019(第27回)



日時:2019年9月28日(土)~ 29日(日)


第1日目  9月28日(土)
◇13:45~14:00 開会の辞 :山本秀行(AALA代表, 神戸大学教授)
◇14:00~17:30 基調講演:
講師:Prof. Wai Chee Dimock(Professor, Yale University)
特別ゲストコメンテーター:巽孝之 氏(慶應義塾大学教授)
・Nathaniel H. Preston(立命館大学教授)
◇18:00~20:00 懇親会  瀧川学術交流記念会館1階食堂

第2日目 9月29日(日)
[9:00~10:00  総会(会員のみ)]
司会: 深井美智子(神戸女子大学[非])
◇10:00~14:30 国際シンポジウム:
 “Remapping Asian (American) Literature in the Framework of World Literature”
講師 :
 ““In the Mastery of the Fourth Dimension”: Reassessing Yone Noguchi’s Style of Literary Adaptation”
・Chih-Ming Wang(Research Fellow, Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
“Ethnic Realism and (Inter)National Allegory: From Talking to High Monks in the Snow to Terrace House Aloha State
・Lyle De Souza(Visiting Researcher, Kyoto University)
 “Translingual Triangulation: Code-switching, Translation, and Silence in Contemporary Canadian Nikkei Novels”
・Ki Yoon Jang(Associate Professor, Sogang University, Korea)
・Alina Elena Anton(神戸大学講師)
[ランチョン[12:00~13:00 人文学研究科A棟1階学生ホール]を挟んで、ディスカッション、質疑応答]
◇閉会の辞: 植木照代(AALA初代代表, 神戸女子大学名誉教授)


ワイ・チー・ディモック先生はWilliam Lampson Professor of American Studiesとして、イェール大学で英文科教授を務められておられ、1976年にハーヴァード大学で学士号、1982年にイェール大学で博士号を取得されています。PMLAの編集委員などを歴任され、論文や記事が、Critical InquiryThe New York Times, The New Yorkerなどに掲載されています。ご著書Through Other Continents: American Literature Across Deep Time (2006)は、The Harry Levin Prize of the American Comparative Literature Associationほか、各賞を受賞されております。このアプローチが、ご編著書Shades of the Planet: American Literature as World Literature (2007)で展開されています。今回の基調講演では、劉慈欣 (Liu Cixin、リュウ・ジキン)の世界的に評価の高いSF作品『三体』(The Three-Body Problem)[邦訳書:早川書房]のKen Liuによる英語翻訳の問題などを世界文学的見地から講演いただく予定です。

アジア系アメリカ文学研究会創設30周年を記念して開催される、この国際フォーラムは、(「アジア系(アメリカ)文学を世界文学の枠組で再配置リマッピングする」)という総合テーマのもと、基調講演者Wai Chee Dimock氏(イェール大学教授)、特別ゲストコメンテーター巽孝之氏(慶應義塾大学)をはじめ、国内のみならず、イギリス、台湾、韓国など海外からも著名な研究者たちがシンポジウムのパネリストやディスカッサントとして神戸に一同に会して、1日目基調講演、2日目国際シンポジウムと二日間にわたり開催します。長らくアジア系アメリカ人のアイデンティティ・ポリティクスの表象とみなされてきたアジア系アメリカ文学ですが、近年、アジア系アメリカ(・カナダ)英語文学のトランスボーダー性の顕著化、アメリカ(・カナダ)以外のアジア系英語文学の発達、アメリカ文学研究の学域を超えてアジア文学研究や比較文学研究など他の学域をも包含するようになったアジア系アメリカ文学研究の学域横断的展開などにより、従来の「アジア系アメリカ文学」という枠組で研究を展開することが困難になりつつあります。そうした喫緊の課題に対処すべく、本フォーラムでは、Wai Chee Dimock氏などが再理論化した「世界文学」(World Literature)という、より柔軟で包含的な枠組でアジア系(アメリカ)文学の再配置(remapping)を試みたいと思います。AALA会員や関係者はもとより、アジア系(アメリカ)文学に興味を持っている方々の多数のご参加を歓迎いたします。(山本秀行、AALA代表)


AALA 30th Anniversary International Forum
“Remapping Asian (American) Literature in the Framework of World Literature”

Dates:Sep.28-29, 2019
Venue:Room B331, Humanities Building in Kobe University 2nd Rokkodai Campus

Forum Moderator:Rie Makino (Professor, Nihon University)

Day One: September 28 (Saturday)
◇13:45~14:00 Opening Speech:Hideyuki Yamamoto (AALA President, Professor, Kobe University)
◇14:00~17:30 Keynote Lecture:
“Humans in a Non-Human Future: Computation, Translation, and The Three-Body Problem
Lecturer:Prof. Wai Chee Dimock (Professor, Yale University)
Special Guest Commentator:
Prof. Takayuki Tatsumi (Professor, Keio University)
・Kyoko Matsunaga (Associate Professor, Kobe City University of Foreign Studies)
・Nathaniel H. Preston (Professor, Ritsumeikan University)
Chair:Keiko Furuki (Professor, Kyoto University of Advanced Science)
◇18:00~20:00 Reception Dinner Dining Room in the 1st floor of Takigawa Memorial Hall:
MC:Marika Watanabe (Lecturer, National Institute of Technology, Kochi College)

Day Two:September 29 (Sunday)
[9:00~10:00 General Meeting of AALA (only for members)]
MC: Michiko Fukai (Kobe Women’s University)
◇10:00~14:30 International Symposium:
“Remapping Asian (American) Literature in the Framework of World Literature”
・Yoshiko Uzawa (Professor, Keio University)
““In the Mastery of the Fourth Dimension”: Reassessing Yone Noguchi’s Style of Literary Adaptation”
・Chih-Ming Wang (Research Fellow, Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
“Ethnic Realism and (Inter)National Allegory:
From Talking to High Monks in the Snow to Terrace House Aloha State
・Lyle De Souza (Visiting Researcher, Kyoto University)
“Translingual Triangulation: Code-switching, Translation, and Silence in Contemporary Canadian Nikkei Novels”
・Ki Yoon Jang (Associate Professor, Sogang University, Korea)
・Yuki Matsumoto (Lecturer, Kindai University)
・Alina Elena Anton (Lecturer, Kobe University)
Chair:Rie Makino
[Discussions and Q&A will ensue Luncheon(12:00~13:00 at Student Hall, Humanities Building A]
◇Closing Speech: Teruyo Ueki (AALA Founding President, Professor Emeritus, Kobe Women’s University)

Hosted by AALA—Asian American Literature Association, Japan
Co-sponsored by JSPS Grant-in-aid for Science Research (B), 2019-2021 (19H01240, Hideyuki Yamamoto)
Supported by Kobe University Graduate School of Humanities as a Kobe University Faculty of Letters 70th Anniversary Event

[A Brief Introduction to Keynote Lecturer]
Professor Wai Chee Dimock is currently William Lampson Professor of American Studies, as well as Professor of English at Yale University. She earned her B.A. at Harvard University in 1976, and her Ph.D. at Yale University in 1982. She has served as editor of PMLA, and published her numerous articles in Critical Inquiry, the New York Times, the New Yorker, and the other prestigious academia journals and mass media. Her book,Through Other Continents: American Literature Across Deep Time (2006), received the Harry Levin Prize of the American Comparative Literature Association and the other awards. This approach in the book is further developed in a collaborative volume, Shades of the Planet: American Literature as World Literature (2007). This keynote lecture will discuss Ken Liu’s English translation of Liu Cixen’s Sci-fi novel The Three-Body Problem from the perspective of World Literature. (Mostly quoted from the Faculty page at Yale University Website)

[A Message from the President of AALA]
This International Forum, entitled “Remapping Asian (American) Literature in the Framework of World Literature,” will be held to celebrate the 30th anniversary of AALA(Asian American Literature Association, Japan). The 2-day international conference invites Prof. Wai Chee Dimock (Yale University) as the keynote lecture and Prof. Takayuki Tatsumi (Keio University) as the special guest commentator on the first day, and as the panelists and discussants at international symposium on the second day six distinguished scholars in Japan and overseas—USA, UK, Taiwan, and Korea. Asian American literary texts have been long-regarded as the representations of identity politics for Asian American writers, but recently, we should find more difficulties to discuss them in the confinement of “Asian American Literature.” It’s solely because of the more evident transborderness of Asian American/Canadian literature; the more expansive development of English-language Asian literature in the countries/areas other than the US and Canada; and the more interdisciplinary perspectives of Asian American literary studies which have expanded from American literary studies to Asian literary studies and comparative literary studies. In order to overcome the above-mentioned emergent problems, the Forum will endeavor to remap Asian (American) Literature in the more flexible framework of World Literature which has been re-conceptualized by Professor Wai Chee Dimock or other theorists. We will cordially welcome to the Forum not only AALA members and friends but any ones who share our interest in Asian (American) literature. (Hideyuki Yamamoto, President of AALA)