・Kahina Aimeur (Graduate Student, Mouloud Mammeri University of Tizi-Ouzou)
“Gaps and Silence in the Works of Wakako Yamauchi and Kazuo Ishiguro”
・Monami Maruyama (Graduate Student, Nihon University)
“A Painter’s Narrative: Analogies between Masuji Ono’s Paintings and His Narration in An Artist of the Floating World“
お問い合わせ:アジア系アメリカ文学会事務局 aala.jp.office@gmail.com
※本イベントは 基盤研究(B):「アジア系トランスボーダー文学」の包括的研究枠組創成と世界的研究ネットワーク構築(代表者:山本秀行、研究課題番号:23K25310)の助成を受けています。

Time and Date: 13:00-17:00 on March 9, 2025(Sun.)(JST)
【Individual Presentations on Kazuo Ishiguro】(13:00~14:20)
Chair: Takuma Furukawa (Otani University)
・Kahina Aimeur (Graduate Student, Mouloud Mammeri University of Tizi-Ouzou)
“Gaps and Silence in the Works of Wakako Yamauchi and Kazuo Ishiguro”
・Monami Maruyama (Graduate Student, Nihon University)
“A Painter’s Narrative: Analogies between Masuji Ono’s Paintings and His Narration in An Artist of the Floating World“
【Mini-Symposium “Kazuo Ishiguro as Transborder Literature】(14:30~17:00)
Chair: Rie Makino (Nihon University)
・Megumi Kato (Tsuru University)
“The “Unfulfilled Dreams” for America: Kazuo Ishiguro’s Vision of the Future of Cutting-edge Technology”
・Takayuki Shonaka (Kyoto Women’s University)
“Kazuo Ishiguro’s Way of Crossing Borders”
・Thomas Brook (Otemon Gakuin University)
“On the Ironic Self-Reflection of Border-Crossing Writers: A Comparative Study of Kazuo Ishiguro and Levy Hideo”
【How to Join】
Please register here in advance by February 28.
※This event is supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Numbers:23K25310