Special Feature: 25th Anniversary Forum―“Asian American Literature and Global Issues”
Poster, Photos & Program
Opening Speech (KOBAYASHI Fukuko)
<Keynote Lecture> Acts of War, Arts of Peace (Stephen H. Sumida)
<Response to Keynote Lecture>
・The Transnational Body and Grief: Comments on Professor Stephen Sumida’s “Acts of War, Arts of Peace” (MAKINO Rie)
・Ethics of Remembering: Reading Hawai‘i’s Asian American Literary Texts on World War II in Japan (KASE Yasuko)
<International Workshop for Young Scholars>
・Rethinking Early Asian American Literature (MATSUMOTO Yuki)
・What Does it Mean to Write Japanese American War Narratives: An Examination of Toyoko Yamazaki’s futatsu no sokoku (1983)/ Two Homelands (2008) (Eliko Kosaka)
<International Symposium: “Asian American Literature and Global Issue”>
・Witnessing American Colonialism Abroad and At Home: Carlos Bulosan and Lawson Inada (Cheng Lok Chua)
・Pīr Learning: Boundaries and the Unbounded in Jhumpa Lahiri’s Fiction (Nathaniel Preston)
・Ethical Globality: Tracing the Theme of Reconciliation in the Age of the “Transnational Turn” (NITTA Keiko)
・Before and After the Quake: Ruth L. Ozeki’s Global Narrative in the Nuclear Age (MATSUNAGA Kyoko)
A Chinese-American Ghostbuster in Maxine Hong Kingston’s The Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood among Ghosts (FUJII So)
Research Note
The Meaning of Mauritius in Mukherjee’s Jasmine and Two Short Stories (KOIKE Rie)
Book Reviews
・Katherine Govier The Printmaker’s Daughter (Kyoko Norma Nozaki)
・Christine Kitano Birds of Paradise: Poems (KAN Noriko)
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Report on AALA’s Activities from 2014 to 2015
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Editors’ Note