AALA Journal No.15

20th Anniversary Issue

Special Feature: 20th Anniversary Forum―“Asian American Literature Imagining Planetary Space”
Poster, Program & Photos
Opening Speech by President (UEKI Teruyo)
<Keynote Lecture> Birth of an Undiscipline: Trickstering Origins Folding Time (Karen Tei Yamashita)
<Response to Prof. Yamashita’s Keynote Lecture> Traveling through Literatures: Internationalizing and Postcolonializing Asian American Literature-Reading Karen Tei Yamashita’s Works (NAKAMURA Rika)
<A Latin American Perspective> “Tradition, Transformation and Transnationalization of Haiku in Brazilian Literature and Culture” (Zélia Bora)
<International Symposium: “The Planetary Expanse Beyond National Boundaries in Literature”>
・Trans-ethnic, Post-hemispheric: From Faulkner to Yamashita (TATSUMI Takayuki)
・We Belong to the Planet Now: The Compass of Asian American Texts (A. Robert Lee)
・Doing Literary and Cultural Studies Transnationally (Yu-cheng Lee)
・Palm Trees and Sky: Asian American Literature and Planetarity (Gayle K. Sato)
<Comments on the Symposium> (Karen Tei Yamashita)

・Overwriting the Globe in the Works of Karen Tei Yamashita (Vivian Fumiko Chin)
・Min Jin Lee’s Free Food for Millionaires: The Legacy of Willed Homelessness (Paul D. McGrath)
・Japanese-Canadian Identity and the Function of Magical Realism in Hiromi Goto’s The Kappa Child (Gordon Gamlin)

Book Reviews
・Sherry Simon, Translating Montreal: Episodes in the Life of a Divided City (YAMADE Yuko)
・Standing Between: Lois-Ann Yamanaka’s Behold the Many (MAKINO Rie)
・Kyoko Mori, Yarn (KOSAKA Eliko)
・Jhumpa Lahiri, Unaccustomed Earth (LU Jun)

AALA Journal Back Issues Contents
Report on AALA’s Activities from 2008 to 2009
Information on AALA Membership
AALA Journal Submission Guidelines
Information on FSEL
Editors’ Note

AALA Journal No.14

AALAフォーラム特集 〈21世紀から見る日系人強制収容所体験〉
・Internment and Identity Shift: Through Transnational War Memory(野崎京子)

AALAフォーラム特集 〈アジア系アメリカ文学批評の新潮流〉


・Complexity in Perspectives on Japanese Immigrants: Eric Anderson’s Embodiment of Hawai‘i in Another Heaven(堀江里香)

・Fred Ho and Bill V. Mullen, eds. Afro Asia: Revolutionary Political and Cultural Connections between African Americans and Asian Americans(中垣恒太郎)
・Brian Leung, Lost Men(陸君)

Information on FSEL

AALA Journal No.13

AALAフォーラム特集 〈音楽、言葉、パフォーマンスの向こうに見えるアジア系アメリカ人の世界〉
・境界を架橋する表現者―Dan Kwongのマルチメディア・パフォーマンス(原恵理子)
・MY EYES ARE SMALL, BUT YOUR EYES ARE CLOSED-スカ・パンク・ロッカー、マイク・パークとアジア系アメリカ(神田稔)

No-No Boy and the Twisted Logic of Internment (Stephen H. Sumida)

・Three Step-Boogie: Sansei Women and the 1970s Los Angeles Asian American Movement (Mary Uyematsu Kao)
No-No Boyの地理学―失われたニホンマチ/イチローの回復

・Ruth L. Ozeki All Over Creation(深井美智子)
・Tung Pok Chin with Winifred C. Chin Paper Son: One Man’s Story(池野みさお)
・Rajini Srikanth The World Next Door: South Asian American Literature and the Idea of America(荘中孝之)

Information on FSEL

AALA Journal No.12

AALAフォーラム特集 〈アジア系アメリカ文学とマスキュリニティ〉
・Masculinity and Post-9/11 Internment Memory: Perry Miyake’s 21st Century Manzanar (Gayle K. Sato)

A Quest for Self in Korean American Drama: Race, Gender, and Class (Sook-won Shin)

・Frank Chin’s New Hero: A Story of Nisei Draft Resisters(竹内愛子)
・Colonial Mimicry and Japanese Romances: Eaton’s Miss Numè of Japan and Long’s Miss Cherry-Blossom of Tokyo(中地幸)
・不忠誠を選択した帰米二世の物語―Edward T. MiyakawaのTule Lakeから見えるもの―(水野真理子)

Julia Cho BFE(古木圭子)

強制収容所の中の歌謡曲とポピュラー音楽―The Camp Danceによる再現の試み―(神田稔)


AALA Journal No.11

15th Anniversary Issue

15th Anniversary Issue Special Feature: 15th Anniversary Forum―
“Asian American Literature in a Global Frame

Program, Poster & Photos
Opening Speech by President (UEKI Teruyo)
〈Keynote Lecture〉Maxine Hong Kingston in a Global Frame: Reception, Institutional Mediation, and “World Literature” (Sau-ling Cynthia Wong)
Responses to Prof. Wong’s Keynote Lecture: SUGIYAMA Naoko & Gayle K. Sato
〈Asian Perspectives〉
・Asian American Literary Studies in Korea (Kun Jong Lee)
・Going Global: Some Notes on Recent Asian British Writing (Yu-cheung Lee)

AALA Panel at the 3rd International FSEL Conference in Seoul, Korea―“Reading Landscape: Asian American Women Writers’ Representations of Environmental Issues
Greetings (UEKI Teruyo)
・Reading the American Landscape with a Double Gaze: On Ruth Ozeki’s My Year of Meats and All Over Creation (UEKI Teruyo)
・The Landscape of Love: On Cynthia Kadohata’s In the Heart of the Valley of Love (HIHARA Mie)
・The Virgin Land Deforested: The Male-centered Perspective of Utopianism in Karen Tei Yamashita’s Brazil-Maru (MURAYAMA Mizuho)
・Japanese Americans in Diverse Terrain: Comments on the Panel..… .NOZAKI Kyoko N. …108

・“Asia,” Silence, and Redress: Reconfiguring Japanese Canadian Citizenship and the Intervention/Recuperation of “Asia” in Joy Kogawa’s Obasan (NAKAMURA Rika)
・Collective Memory and Camera Images in Karen Tei Yamashita’s Brazil-Maru (TERAZAWA Yukiko)
・Remapping L.A.: Spatio-Temporal Rupture in Tropic of Orange (KASE Yasuko)
・Under the Father’s Slaughter: The Gendered Politics between Local Father and Subaltern Daughter in Lois-Ann Yamanaka’s Wild Meat and the Bully Burgers (MAKINO Rie)

Research Notes
Hawaii-Treasure Islands of Literature (USUI Masami)

Book Reviews
・Linda Trinh Võ, Mobilizing an Asian American Community (NOZAKI Kyoko N.)
・David L. Eng, Racial Castration (Paul D. McGrath)
・Rick Shiomi, Mask Dance (FURUKI Keiko)
・Hiromi Goto, The Water of Possibility; The Kappa Child; Hopeful Monsters (YAMAGUCHI Tomoko)

AALA Journal Back Issues Contents
AALA Library: Publications of AALA Members
Report on AALA’s Activities from 2004 to 2005 
Information on AALA Membership
AALA Journal Submission Guidelines
Information on FSEL
Editors’ Note